Man’s shooting bewilders his family
By Charles
E. Potter Jr. - More
Published on 12/09/2001
Norwich – Robert A. Woodward's way of life was as kind and
compassionate as the way of his death was sudden and violent, his friends and
family said Saturday during a memorial service at Lee Memorial United Methodist
Church. They said the chasm in between is filled with mystery and suspicion.
Police officers in Brattleboro, Vt., shot Woodward last Sunday morning after
he allegedly pulled a knife during services at the All Souls Unitarian-Universalist
Church. Witnesses said he came into the West Village Meeting House and asked for
“political sanctuary” just as services began. Woodward was struck by seven
bullets and died about four hours later during surgery at Dartmouth Medical
Brattleboro police would not comment on the case Saturday. It is under
investigation by the Vermont state's attorney's office.
Friends said Woodward, a 1982 Norwich Free Academy graduate, was a political
and environmental activist who cared little for material possessions. His
parents, Joanne and Paul Woodward, spoke during the service of his love of
hiking, nature and life itself.
The last time his parents saw him alive was the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
As Woodward was getting in the car to return to Vermont, his dad mentioned a
hike he wanted to take. Woodward delayed his return long enough to join the hike
and took his parents to a tree that had fallen, yet continued to grow new
“He didn't have a violent bone in his body,” said Evelyn Banas, a
longtime friend of Woodward and a fellow member of the Methodist church on
Washington St. “He was just a loving person. He was a vegetarian, really,
because he didn't want to harm animals.”
Arthur Brown, of Brooklyn, N.Y., called Woodward a “centered” and
“simple” person. He said Woodward was a peace-loving person who wouldn't
harm anyone or anything.
“He was the most mentally balanced person I know,” he said. “I want to
know what happened up there, why killing him became necessary. He is the person
you would least expect to meet with something like this. I hope they find out
the truth.”
Several members of the overflowing congregation spoke during the service.
Despite being from different areas of Woodward's life, they shared the
impression that the man some knew as Bob and others as Woody was one of the
kindest and most thoughtful people they knew.
“Woody helped me through high school,” said Quinn Kepes, 19, of Amherst
Mass, where Woodward once lived.
“He was a mediator between us kids and our parents. He even helped me with
a report on police brutality when I was in ninth grade. Who ever thought he'd be
a victim of something like this?”
Chris Wisniewski, who knew Woodward at NFA, said that while Woodward worked
on the Appalachian Trail one summer, he wrote her long and thoughtful letters
that included drawings.
Drawing was one of his hobbies.
Steve Tomczak and his wife of four months, Mary Ellen Crawford, knew Woodward
at Southern Connecticut State University, where they were all members of an
organization called Students for Peace.
“He was a groomsman at my wedding and he was always concerned that everyone
was having a good time,” said Tomczak.
“He took special care of my 93-year old grandmother. He even got her up to
dance. That's just how he was. My grandmother died a little while after that, so
that was her last dance. But knowing how much Bob liked to dance, I'm pretty
sure it wasn't his last one.”